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Toilets And Corporate Glamping, wanna hear a secret!?

Pete Jones

Here's a toilet story about The Soul Camp.  We love toilets.  Well kinda!  Recently we had a meeting with an amazing potential new client who are a B-Corp like many of our other lovely regular clients; so they perfectly match our ethos.

We're talking about a corporate glamping event and the subject of loos came up and I, (hiya, it's Pete the founder here) thought I should share the toilet secret because, well, first up it's true!  

Second up, I like to think it shows how we are a social business and really, deeply, focus on guests connecting and feeling safe and happy in a lovely outdoor environment. Which is also true!

About 25 years ago, when I conceived the idea for The Soul Camp, I'd learned many lessons about events both indoor and outdoor, including founding the word-of-mouth underground, non-profit, ethical club night Planet Angel in 1999.  This was before The Soul Camp became known for our social Corporate Glamping and Corporate Festival expertise.

A photo of the lovely Gigloo showers.
Credit Gigloo

One, single, simple, and completely obvious thing that came to my mind to help ensure everyone would be happy was the loos (and showers)!  And I’m not taking the pis*! (sorry I couldn't resist that, and I am fighting the urge to include some pun about cutting the crap!).  

I’d observed that when people rock up to a club, or a campsite, they've often had a bit of anxiety about it, the travel, what will it be like, can I relax etc.  And of course, most people go to such places to do exactly that = relax after a hard week...

I really studied the social dynamics of new groups arriving at The Soul Camp, it went like this:

  • They often arrive later than planned.

  • They are often a bit anxious as a result.

  • They often need a pee on arrival!

I noticed that often the guys would just sit down anywhere on a bit of grass where they are planning to rig their tent.  They’d crack open a can of beer, sit in the sun and start to let go of the stresses we all have.

Often the Ladies in the group have been to the loo on arrival... 

The formula was very simple... If the ladies came back from the loo saying “Actually they have really nice loos here” then everything was set off to be lovely!  Everyone could chill, have a laugh, connect and relax.  Happy Days!

So there you have it!  A toilet secret from The Soul Camp.  

We always make sure the loos are lovely and plentiful.  (no, not plenty-full, err.. You get it!.)

We’re a social business, we micro-focus on making all areas of our environments super connective, professional, fun and funky.   I’m dyslexic and my wife is an Aspie, so we are also extremely aware of neuro-divergent guest considerations. 

This very much heightens our awareness of making people feel safe, happy, relaxed and wanting to be social.  And that helps you get your colleagues in the perfect headspace to get your message across, in a caring, ethical way.

Feel free to chat with us almost anytime if you're thinking of planning an Extraordinary Corporate Festival.  

We’re also now offering consultancy around wellbeing and super-social corporate events for clients around the globe..

BiG LOve Pete x



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