[Updated to include our 'last minute' service]
The strangely attractive but sometimes horribly deadly virus is causing havoc across the world, and like everyone in the events business, we’ve looked very hard at the implications of C19 both for our clients, and for us.
No one knows exactly what will happen of course but we have come up with a few thoughts about corporate glamping events that will hopefully help. Knowing that our event organiser compatriots at our clients will also be feeling the strain, we are pleased to be able to offer the offers below to our corporate clients who book with The Soul Camp this year.
It seems, from our understanding of the current government dialog, that they expect the C19 pandemic in the UK to peak in the coming weeks and start to subside as summer draws in. Based on that, we expect that people will be much more used to the situation in a couple of months, and it would be logical to assume that people would naturally self isolate if they felt ill, and hence not attend offices - or events - if they felt ill.
By then, small, private, outdoor events - where there is ample space and fresh air - seem unlikely to be curtailed by medical concern as far as we can tell, and probably very we received by participants after being in lockdown. Anticipating a surge in last minute enquiries in summer, we are pleased to offer a 'last minute' booking service.
The Soul Camp's normal booking terms are 50% non-refundable deposit to secure the date, with the balance two months in advance of the event.
In an attempt to make things easier for our corporate glamping clients, and to help us secure your much valued custom, we would like to offer the following:
We are offering to reduce the non refundable deposit to 20%. (1)
We are offering to make the date moveable where possible. (2)
We are also offering to carry over the deposit to next year. (3)
As a business in the niche market of outdoor corporate glamping events, we’d love to win your business, these are hard times for all, and we hope the offers above encourage you to book with us. Feel free to call and chat things through, anytime, on 07831 516151 or email now to enquiries@thesoulcamp.com.
BiG LOve as we like to say, stay safe,
Pete and The Soul Camp Team :)
(1). This is a non-refundable deposit rounded to circa 20% - excluding food which will equate to less than 20% of the event cost.
(2). We have just taken on a new, very lovely campsite and hence have good availability for date changes.
(3). Deposit payments can be contra’d against a booking next year for an event - at least of the same value.